About us

We support the usage of the Onewheel™ in Belgium

Our Vision

is that of a world where everyone can move around freely, where individual transport doesn’t produce air or noise pollution, where commuting is simple and safe, where going green is accessible and exciting.

Our Mission

is to turn our vision into reality. We want to grow the Belgian community of soft mobility enthusiasts and show people how much fun it is to ride a Onewheel™ and that it really is easy and accessible to everyone.

So we decided to provide introductory and rental services to enable more people to try the Onewheel™ and thus discover the pleasure of gliding on any type of track.

The Onewheel turns the world into a giant playground. I love group rides and sharing the Onewheel experience in the great outdoors with my friends.

Flowwolf Team

We all at the Flowwolf Team discovered the Onewheel™ almost by accident and are complete fan of it ever since.. It’s almost become an addiction!

This shared passion leads us to ride just about everywhere, in town, in the countryside, in the forest, and sometimes almost in the middle of nowhere. It’s particularly hard for us to resist the call of nature and beautiful rides off the beaten track. Priority is given to the pleasure of riding in safe conditions. And it’s safe to say we’re having a great time.

We create videos and generate varied multimedia content documenting our quest for the “flow”, that state of grace and insouciance achieved in optimal riding conditions.

Network of coaches and ambassadors

Let’s not forget our coaches and our network of ambassadors!
It’s thank to them that our community is so dynamic and continues to grow

Feel the flow! Join the pack!